About Me

Jeanette Gee​ (Naturopath​)

Jeanette is an experienced Naturopath of 9 years.  Her goal is to restore health, vitality and balance by addressing the symptoms presented, but also looking deeper into your health with thorough questioning and utilising in-house and/or functional testing where indicated, to find the cause of any dis-ease.  She is passionate about educating you to take control of your health and is a firm believer in everyone’s uniqueness, thus her treatment plans are individualised to each client.
Jeanette treats all conditions but her special interest and areas of experience include:
  • Stress, anxiety, depression, fatigue and insomnia
  • Gut issues including IBS, constipation, diarrhoea, SIBO, bloating, reflux
  • Pain management - back and joint pain, PMS, endometriosis, migraine
  • Menopause and weight loss
  • Immune conditions such as eczema, hayfever, sinusitis, allergies, food intolerances and autoimmune conditions

Bachelor of Health Science (Naturopathy)

Including Nutritional Medicine and Herbal Medicine

Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)

Certified Quadscan™ Practitioner

Registered Member of the Australian Natural Therapists Association

Practice Areas

Pain Management

Osteo arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation, migraine, endometriosis, PMS, back pain. Pain is debilitating and affects all aspects of life. Natural solutions can down regulate inflammation to reduce pain in all these areas.

Mood Disorders

Stress has a major impact on our body. We underestimate its effects. Unchecked and unsupported stress can contribute to anxiety and depression and other health conditions. It is very depleting on our body and our adrenal glands and neurotransmitters need to be nourished during these times. Jeanette will support your body with the correct diet, minerals, vitamins and herbs to help you feel calmer, more centred and able to deal with stressors better.

Weight Loss

Weight creeping up and up? Yoyo dieting? Have the menopausal third wheel around your middle? Doing everything right but still not losing any weight? There are lots of factors to consider when losing weight specifically how your thyroid is functioning, what your stress levels are and quality of sleep. Taking medications? How is your gut functioning? Are you exercising? Diet really that good? Jeanette monitor’s all weight loss using the Quadscan body composition testing which can determine your muscles and fat mass, and fluid balance.

Gut Health

Feeling bloated, gassy and uncomfortable, struggling with IBS, reflux and pain and just can't seem to find any solution? You are not alone. If your gut is not functioning properly then you won't be absorbing nutrients from your food which can lead to pain, bloating, brain fog, fatigue, and other health conditions. Diet is assessed for any food intolerances and incompatibilities, and functional testing can be done to assess gut health.

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